Friday, November 20, 2015

Scale Model Church Update 4

More clay and scribing block-work. Once the clay is fully dry it will need a bit of clean up with files, knives and sandpaper.
 Also got the round window carved from balsa wood. I might just use the wood version or replicate it in Milliput
And painted the bell. I had some powered rust which I added to the bell while the paint was still wet. it adds a nice bit of texture to the surface. A quick rub over the edges with a pencil adds a bit of metallic sheen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scale Model Church Update 3

We have started coating and sculpting the church with Das Modeling Clay
You start with a layer of wood glue
Then roll out the clay to the required thickness
Smooth it on to the area 
And press in the shape of your blocks.
If you cant spent the time to do the whole model at once cover the clay areas with wet kitchen paper and stick it in a plastic bag, that will prevent it drying and hardening until you can continue.

The bell was cut from a bottle cap, it was an eyedropper type of bottle so it had a bit of its profile in the right shape. I`ll be removing it again for painting nearer the finish.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Scale Model Church Update 2

Still adding the last few bits before covering it in clay
 Testing out an idea for the stained glass. Start with a piece of clear plastic, in my case a bit from packaging on some nail files.
Score the pattern on to the plastic with the back of a blade.
Rub in black oil paint  to the resulting groves and wipe off the excess.
Then use oils to paint the individual panes of glass very lightly. Lightly enough to let the light show through.
Wait for the oils to dry....this can take some time. Then glue together carefully.

Figure Painting MiniArt U.S.Jeep Crew & MP

First attempt at painting a Figure face in 1:35th Scale.
I don't know if I like how it came out I need to leave it aside for a couple of days and look at it again.
Don`t mind the helmet its a bit askew, I just dropped it on there. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Scale Model Church Update

I had to trim the whole structure down a little, it seemed a bit over scale.
Most of the building is stuck together now and most of the windows are ready, sculpted from balsa wood and a mold from silicone and cornflour to duplicate them in milliput

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

M113A2 update

I finished up the decaling and started a little weathering. Also working on painting some stowage to hang off the sides. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Modelling Munster 2015

Some photos from Modelling Munster earlier this year
Held in the Atlantic Airventure Centre, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland

Whats On The Bench? November 2015 Pt3

A wonderfully detailed kit. Seriously the fine detail on this one is amazing but it nearly broke my interest in the hobby. the plastic was so brittle that it seemed like the act of looking at a part could snap it. The carpet monster was well fed on this one, so many parts pinged off into its maw.
As with the M113 A2 its nearly complete it just needs that last push to finish it up.

I`m also working on various bits to fill the cargo space.
The tiny pallet made from cut down matchsticks and coffee stir sticks.

Whats On The Bench? November 2015 Pt2

Also working on a scratch built church with my ever patient wife. Its a sort of Christmas project, we built a mini house last year
 Drawn up in cheap paper then templates cut out and stuck to foamcore and cut out again. From there it will be coated in PVA(Wood Glue) and air drying clay, sculpted to represent the stone work.
Its based loosely on a church in the New Cemetery Bohermore

Whats On The Bench? November 2015 Pt1

I have been working on far too many projects at once so I thought I would add one more and start blogging about my model making and related bits and pieces.

So firstly I have been building Academy`s M113 - A2 APC
 This kit goes together so easily. everything fit damn near perfectly with minimal flash or seams. The only exception is the amount of ejector pin marks,it seemed somewhat excessive to me. The rear hatch (open in the photo below) had as far AS I can remember 14 of the little b£$~#&@$ on the inside.
 I "sculpted" some blankets and a couple of leathery cushions for the benches from milliput. Its is clear that I need to work on my sculpting.
I just need to find the time to finish this one up.